- Holiday Shopping deals are starting now! Great Gifts for the Blind and Visually Impaired!
- Cyber Monday Week! Stocking Stuffer Give-Aways & Discounts, huge savings on Victor Trek & Stream, Our Talking Book Reader, Benjie T6 Media player, Tablets plus much more...
- Black Friday Starts Now, Give-Aways & Discounts You Can't Miss Talking Players, Tablets & Accessories!
- Victor Reader Trek - Victor Reader Stream & Trekker Breeze Combined Talking Book Reader & GPS for Blind & Visually Impaired with Bluetooth Capability
- Talking Kindle Fire Tablets with Voiceview and Google Play
- Awesome low priced no contract plans on Accessible Phones, great deal: Talking Flip Phones or Talking Android Phone!
- New Bluetooth Accessories for Blind Book and Mp3 Players includes demo
- New iPhone & Tablet Cases, No Ad Talking Fire tablet, New Bluetooth devices! Brand New Talking Mp3 Players & More!
- Great deals Bluetooth Accessories + Talking Players, Tablets & Phones!
- Presidents Day Sale Ending Soon!
Announcing our new Talking Daisy Book and Media Player! Podcast Demonstration!
Posted by Laz Mesa on 10/30/2015
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